Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas Massacre Averted: Update

I prayed for a second Christmas day miracle in my first blog post on the subject of the underwear bomber and it is obvious I was pressing my luck. Obama interrupted his vacation to pay lip service to the event. Krauthammer points out:

'More jarring still were Obama's references to the terrorist as a "suspect" who "allegedly tried to ignite an explosive device." You can hear the echo of FDR: "Yesterday, December 7, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- Japanese naval and air force suspects allegedly bombed Pearl Harbor."'

The speech was so terrible and muted that Obama had to give a second speech the next day. The second speech even included a reference to the "War On Terror" whereas Obama had previously stated we were involved in an "Overseas Contingency Operation."

Janet Napolitano assured us that the system worked! Then she said it didn't work. Then Obama finally settled the issue by saying the system definitely did not work.

Worst of all, the Nigerian terrorist is not being interrogated by the intelligence community, he is being given a lawyer and there is talk of a plea bargain if he turns on his co-conspirators. Talk about a pre-9/11 mindset!

Obama has completely misread his mandate. Many people had problems with aspects of the War on Terror. On the other hand, most people recognize it is not a war that we chose. The 9/11 Commission said that the Islamists were at war with us but we were not at war with them. Regardless of people's feelings regarding certain parts of the War on Terror, there are people who do want to kill American civilians. Obama, as President, has a right to tweak the Bush policy. However, if he simply chooses to ignore the conflict and not learn from history, he is doomed to repeat it.

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