Friday, October 22, 2010

Regurgitating The Apple

I am in State College, PA this weekend as a groomsman in my friend's wedding.  So this week I'm phoning it in. 

Evan Sayet was a liberal Manhattan Jew who became a conservative shortly after 9/11.  The following video is a speech of this comedian giving a mostly serious speech at the Heritage Foundation.  His speech, Regurgitating The Apple, has been called the unified field theory of liberal thought.  It explains liberal's power bias/victim mentality and how it is based on the idea that to discern between good and evil or even the behaviors that lead to success vs. the behaviors that lead to failure is not discernment but discrimination and must be avoided at all costs.

His speech is loosely based on the book, The Closing of the American Mind by Allan Bloom.  Its a great read if anyone is interested. 

Congratulations Joe and Kristen, I have never met two people who were made for each other more than you two are.  I am honored to know you both, to call Joe my brother, and to be a groomsman in your wedding.  I wish you all the happiness that life surely has in store for you. 

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