As I posted back in June of last year, Congraulations, You're In The Top 5% it seems Obama was pulling our leg when he said he would only tax the top 5% of earners. But why the tax increase? I thought Obama was going to go through the budget line-by line and cut the programs that don't work. Obama's reply:
"Our real problem is not the spike in spending last year, or the lost, even the lost revenues last year, as significant as those are. The real problem has to do with the fact that there is a just a mismatch between the amount of money coming in and the amount of money going out. And that is going to require some big, tough choices that, so far, the political system has been unable to deal with."
So the problem is not with the spending, just that we are spending more than we are taking in? I think our biggest problem, next to the deficit, is Obama's response. How could any responsible politician make this statement, let alone one who has quadrupled the deficit in a single year. Is he saying that the tax increase would still be necessary if we hadn't spent all the money on stimulus? What Obama calls a "mismatch," I call "fiscal irresponsibility". He bought things he couldn't afford and he did it with our money. And from the results of the stimulus so far, it even appears that he paid too much.
Congress certainly wouldn't dare to propose legislation to raise taxes on the America people during a populist upswell who's acronym says for Taxed Enough Already, right? Well right to a degree, they won't propose it, merely vote on it. Obama is creating a debt commission to draft the legislation. The commission will be made up of 10 Democrats and 8 Republicans who will be the scapegoats for the outcome. This issue is so toxic that out of the 535 elected members of Congress, only 18 could be fooled into tackling it. Circumventing conventional parliamentary procedures is the only way Congress will go along with a tax increase that will be as hazardous to their reelection as it will be to Obama's. Obama's new agnosticism and a willingness to support the bipartisan's commission's findings (gag) will be his excuse for not vetoing such legislation.
Let us all pray that Obama has a return to faith or else we will all dwell in his Garden of Gethsemene.
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