Arizona is the first in the nation to pass a law making it a state offense as well as as a federal offense to be in the US illegally. Because of the high concentration of illegals in Arizona and the federal government failing to do its duty to defend the border, the taxes of legal Arizonans are skyrocketing. With the added costs of education; hospital treatment; bi-lingual government forms; crime; violence; social services; and drugs, Arizona is struggling to keep a balanced budget.
Illegal aliens drain money from government while contributing nothing back but they also depress wages in the private sector. Illegals who work construction or as farm labor for considerably less, undercut legitimate business due to circumvention of minimum wage laws and taxation. This leads to wages spiraling downward and unemployment spiraling upward. Do we really have to continue on this ruinous path even while unemployment is already hovering near 10%?
So does this mean that SWAT teams will surround the houses of illegals and drag them into the street using Gestapo-like tactics? Hardly. If someone is stopped because they have committed another crime, they can be questioned as to their immigration status. Even though being in the US illegally is a crime, an illegal will have to commit a second crime to even be asked the question. If someone is stopped for a second crime and cannot speak English or has no form of ID, they will probably be asked to prove their citizenship.
Libertarians oppose the Arizona law but in doing so they are forgetting their core values. Not only do illegals compete with government granted advantage, that being a blind eye being turned to their income in terms of taxation, but Ayn Rand reminds us that no country can exist with open borders and a welfare state. Certainly today more than ever we cannot exist with open borders, a welfare state and a President who is determined to make all those here illegally into citizens with full rights to the cornucopia of social programs.
Despite consistent negative coverage, 64% of Arizonans support the new law. 51% of Americans overall support the bill with only 39% opposed according to Gallup.
Under our Federalist system, states can impose laws as long as they do not contradict the Constitution. The dissenters can then vote with their feet (read: move) if they cannot stand the law. Many illegals say that they will leave the state due to the restrictive law. The only question now is will the bordering states of California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico pass similar laws if the waves of illegal immigrants come to their door?
Friday, April 30, 2010
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It's Leah.
The fact that people are so up in arms about a state actually ENFORCING a law is disgusting to me. They are termed "illegals" for a reason. They broke the law upon entering this country. I hate the fact that people think it's okay for them to waltz in here and steal our money. Fuck that.
Thank God.
You know, if I go to the bank or even out to the bar, I need to show my ID. Is that infringing on my rights? I have to carry that wherever I go. It's not profiling to be stopped and asked for ID. Can't produce it? You're not getting in the bar or your bank account. What a novel f*cking concept, at least it's finally being applied retroactively. Now all we need to do is throw the scumbags out of the bar after they do something else wrong.
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