Friday, May 14, 2010

Update: What Obama Taught Shahzad

When I posted the original "What Obama Taught Shahzad" post I missed some of the more nutty aspects of the story.  The first has to do with Mayor Bloomberg of New York City. When asked about the Times Square attack, the mayyor responded by saying the guilty party was probably a  "homegrown, maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda who doesn't like the health care bill or something."

Really?  Because when I heard there was a bomb found in New York City, I assumed it was a Muslim male in his 20's or 30's of Arab descent.

Contessa Brewer of MSNBC said she had hoped that the bomber was not Islamic:

There is either great ignorance or willful blindness on the liberal side that sees Tea Partiers as potential terrorists but finds Islamic radicals' motives inscrutable.  Yes, there are nuts of European descent but how many times must we hear about McVeigh when there have been dozens of terrorist attacks in the last few years around the world perpetuated by many different people all named Mohammad?    

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